To help you work in a new way, a more effective and overall better way, Maybe have developed over 30 unique Courses.  These are accessible  in an online format suitable for individual managers and groups. These courses provide ways to  address all of the major areas of blockage or skill gaps that in our long experience have prevented people and organisations achieve their true potential.  You can choose from the list below which would be of greatest benefit to you or to your organisation.



An education platform where you can access at any time to take your courses and consult your questions.


All the courses or modules are video based using concrete, real situations to get to the heart of the issue and provide real, practical answers.


There are opportunities for participants to reflect at different stages during the module so they can assimilate and apply the learning points.


Test questions are provided to help participants check the accuracy or quality of their learning.


A final summary of the key points covered is given to help people make the desired transformation to a new way of managing and leading.


A PDF summary of the points is included to provide people with a record of the points covered.

Why does this work so well?

  • An internal Coach or Facilitator would be identified to liaise with Maybe and so help participants integrate and deepen their skills in the particular area.
  • It makes the enormous difference it makes because of the very different paradigm of managing that is contained in every course and message.
  • It is based on real needs in your organisation both development ones and operating ones.
  • People have the opportunity to view and take the course or module as often as they like and in their own time.
  • Questions, doubts, challenges get resolved in Discussion Groups or in the Forums.
  • Application and implementation of the learnings is guaranteed because they are worked through a real business need in a matrix or tapestry model of working.
  • Participants would receive a Leadership Tool for every module or course with concrete steps on how to use the learnings and do so well.
We can co-design with you a programme that will guide and support you to making the move from Red to Blue Management using our unique Leadership Transformation on-line courses.

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