Authentic Leadership

Authentic Leadership

Authentic Leadership The Power of being your true self as a Leader. Managers sometimes feel obliged to sacrifice their own personal values for the sake of success or for the organisation. It can sometimes feel unrealistic to stick to what THEY really believe when...
Become a True COMPANY

Become a True COMPANY

Become a True COMPANY Create ONE organisation around a powerful and meaningful Goal Despite attractively framed Visions in Reception Areas or beautifully crafted Powerpoint Mission Statements, most employees remain, at best, only half convinced. These well crafted...
Reach New Levels of Performance

Reach New Levels of Performance

Reach New Levels of Performance Five ways to unlock your people’s Potential and Achieve Exceptional Performance. Performance in any walk of life is what most matters at both personal and group level.Yet, achieving consistently high performance and getting to...
The Creative Culture

The Creative Culture

The Creative Culture How a Creative Mindset and Culture handles uncertainty and CREATES the future In many organisations, creativity is seen more as a luxury than a necessity. Often it is pushed to the margins or seen as important for some functions only?No Company...
True Leadership

True Leadership

True Leadership The Special power of the Facilitative Leader to combine inclusiveness with strength Leaders can sometimes get caught between being seen as strong and decisive and the kind of leader people like to follow AND in engaging, commitment winning leader...